
Come have tea.

We showcase decor, travel, and culture for anyone with a darker sensibility. Enjoy.

Photo by Max Gough

MINIMAY is here! Tiny cups all month long.

MINIMAY is here! Tiny cups all month long.

"And though she be but little, she is fierce."

When an animation producer and puppeteer get married, the result is a house full of itsy bitsy things and so this month we celebrate all things tiny and twee with MINIMAY.

Follow our instagram account for profiles of artists we know (or just admire) who work in small scale whether as puppeteers, painters, stop motion animators, mouse taxidermists, or doll couturiers, the list goes on.

I'll also share a few of our favorite small scale pieces in our personal collection and, of course, tineh teacups!

We'll be releasing our vintage tiny cups one at a time throughout the month so check our store early and often.



Freaky Fridays

Freaky Fridays

She Holds the Keys to the Castle: Chatelaines

She Holds the Keys to the Castle: Chatelaines